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Day 5/6

Good news!!!! The surgeon called tonight to report the biopsy/pathology results came in and the margins were clean!  Full excise of tumor (not to mention leg as well!) She did say there was one lymph nose with mast cells present but the feeling was they are normal mast cells and not from metastasis.
Snoop will meet with the surgeon and oncologist next Thursday to discuss further testing and chemo.

We are thrilled….if I’m being honest I was terrified and know a small part of us always will be. Just waiting…

But for now we are celebrating this win and loving our boy.

He is getting around better than we could ask for and really does seem to be comfortable for the most part. He is still anxious at nights but it’s getting better. We went for our first actual walk tonight and he was able to show off in front of the neighbors who were amazed by his progress! He gets tired very easily as expected, and I’m sure his existing leg is exhausted so I am about to give him his nightly massage 🙂

We’ll keep you posted as to his next big milestones!

Day 3/4

Sorry for the delay in posting yesterday so I’ll just combine the two days. To be honest, not a whole lot to report!  I think that’s a good thing!

Snoop is amazing…as are all tripawds! His ability to adapt and heal is beyond our expectations. For anyone worried, myself included, all the talk is true. It isn’t easy to see at times, but we as humans allow ourselves to go places dogs just don’t go. Snoop woke up and was like…well, ok I guess I’ll just figure this out. By day three he was getting around on his own. Stumbling? Yes…falling? Yes…was it hard to see? Yes.

It’s like a parent watching their child take their first steps and trying to protect them from harm, yet knowing they have to fall to figure it out.

We’ve had one sleepless night…so far. He wasn’t crying in pain or even whimpering.  Just anxious and restless. He was unable to get comfortable no matter what we did. Even with the cone off, he just couldn’t lay down. I was with him until 4 am and he finally conked out. I have called the dr to see about switching night meds for him and selfishly for me. But that’s ok because we also need to sleep.

Now it’s time for bed…and onto day…5?  Is that all???


Day 2

He’s home. I will be honest when I say it’s hard to see. We are slowly getting used to the empty space but there have surely been some tears 🙁

on the upside, Snoop is very comfortable. He is mostly just sleeping. We are all getting used to a new routine and relying heavily on our harness to help him go outside and back to his bed. His appetite is still ferocious and he’s drinking water and peeing. We are still waiting for that first #2! Ice packs are our friend right now as he has a pretty significant amount of fluid and bruising.

  • That’s about all right now! He’s awake at times and sleeps a lot. He seems confused a bit, but happy to be home and very

    peaceful. We have the cone of shame ready to go but haven’t had to use it yet as we aren’t leaving his side.


Day -1

Today was the day we were dreading. We know it’s for him and to save him, but the struggle is so very real. He’s our baby boy.
Some  have said “oh, you didn’t rescue?” Or have referred to our handsom white golden as a “designer dog”.  We just smile as everyone has an opinion…mine, now more that ever, is that all dogs have a purpose and need a loving safe home.

Snoop was 8 months old and enjoyed a daily swim (or 10) days in our pool. In July, while being dried off (for the 100th time) I found a lump on his hind leg. Thinking it was a cyst I thought nothing urgent of it. Long story short after a trip the vet (thanks to his brother needing vaccines) the vet aspirated, sent out and confirmed it was in fact, a mast cell tumor.

fast forward to removal of the tumor and pathology reports confirming margins were not clean…off to the oncologist we went. The problem was the tumor had already regrown in 3 weeks. And it was bigger and what seemed to be more invasive. After a brief consultation…here we are.

I have not in fact seen our Snoop yet…his right hind leg was removed this afternoon. The emotions are high but more than anything we want our boy home. The nurses are giving us updates and he’s even walking on three legs already!!! We are nervous about pain and anxious to love him up (his brother just mosses the playing).  We have our yoga mats for the floor, along for his sea legs and have cleared our calendars to prioritize our boy.
I will continue to update our days and hope we can help anyone who is about to go through this!

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Snoops journey is brought to you by Tripawds.